Richard H. Driehaus Architecture Competition


It is an international competition created to help preserve and revive the use of local architectural and urban traditions.


It awards and promotes proposals upholding local architectural traditions, a sense of place, and contributing to make more beautiful, coherent, sustainable and socially integrating towns. Designs using the materials and building techniques of the region, as well as prioritizing traditional solutions, will be encouraged, as will offering employment opportunities to regional building workers.

The awarded proposals are intended to serve as a model for urban and architectural designs sensitive to these issues and committed to preserving Spanish cultural heritage.

The Competition is conducted in two stages:

Phase One

In this stage, organized by INTBAU, topics and locations for the competition are sought.

We encourage Spanish municipalities to present their proposals.

An international jury, representing diverse collaborating institutions, will choose three proposals that best represent the Competition’s objectives and criteria.

Phase Two

In this stage, architects and urban planners from around the world will be able to submit their designs for any of the four locations selected in the first phase.

A second international jury selects the best design proposals for each one of the previously selected locations.

Upcoming dates


2022-2024 Edition Phase Two submissions deadline


Phase One Jury Meeting

Organizing Entities and Institutions

Organized by:

With the collaboration of: