
First Honourable Mention for Santiago de Compostela

The First Honourable Mention worth 2000€, has been granted to the proposal “Ruela” corresponding to the team made up by Aurora Armental Ruiz y Stefano Ciurlo Walker, with their collaborators María Esther Bergua Orduna, Alejandro Morales Martín, Johanna Hemberger and Ana María Vidal Ruiz de Velasco.

The design proposal

The jury found this proposal possesses very similar characteristics to those seen in the winning proposal, with a careful treatment of both the rehabilitated constructions and the connection with the neighbouring park, also linked to it from two points, a physical one which enables an actual access to it, and the other one which establishes a visual connection to it.


Aurora Armental Ruiz and Stefano Ciurlo Walker



María Esther Bergua Orduna, Alejandro Morales Martín, Johanna Hemberger and Ana María Vidal Ruiz de Velasco

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